[Windows] 微软 Visual Studio Code 1.32.3 多国语言版

Visual Studio Code (简称 VS Code / VSC) 是一款免费开源的现代化轻量级代码编辑器
支持几乎所有主流的开发语言的语法高亮、智能代码补全、自定义热键、括号匹配、代码片段、代码对比 Diff、GIT 等特性
支持插件扩展,并针对网页开发和云端应用开发做了优化。软件跨平台支持 Win、Mac 以及 Linux,运行流畅,可谓是微软的良心之作

Visual Studio Code 是微软首次为开发者提供「跨平台」的代码编辑器,微软开发部门负责人称:“虽然许多人把 Windows 作为开发环境,但还有很多人用的是 Linux 和 Mac,与其说服这些人改用 Windows,不如在他们使用的平台上提供工具满足其要求。” 可以预见,VSC 的推出将会在开发界掀起轩然大波。

近日,微软更新了新版1.32.3,带来了大量的新功能和改进,并修复 Bug 提升程序性能,推荐更新。
Multiline search improvements - 无需使用正则表达式即可轻松创建多行搜索模式。
Custom title bar on Linux - Linux 上自定义标题和菜单栏将作为默认值。
References view - 查找所有引用视图包括最近搜索的历史记录。
Snippet comment variables - Snippet 变量为每种语言插入正确的注释。
JS/TS callback display - 显示匿名回调的上下文。
JSDoc Markdown highlighting - JSDoc markdown 高亮。
Simplified debug configuration - 用于初始启动的配置有更好的默认值和快速选择 UI。
Run tasks on folder open - 配置首次打开项目文件夹时要运行的任务。
Choose extension version - 安装早期版本的 Marketplace 扩展。

Welcome to the November 2018 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of significant updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:

Multiline search improvements - Easily create multiline search patterns without using regex.
Custom title bar on Linux - The custom title and menu bar is now the default on Linux.
References view - Find All References view includes history of recent searches.
Snippet comment variables - Snippet variables insert correct comment per language.
JS/TS callback display - Now you can see the context of anonymous callbacks.
JSDoc Markdown highlighting - Including syntax highlighting for Markdown code blocks in JSDoc.
Simplified debug configuration - Better defaults and Quick Pick UI for initial launch configuration.
Run tasks on folder open - Configure tasks to run when you first open a project folder.
Choose extension version - Install earlier versions of Marketplace extensions.
If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on code.visualstudio.com.

The release notes are arranged in the following sections related to VS Code focus areas. Here are some further updates:

Workbench - Menu scrolling and improved overflow handling, one click to open settings.json.
Languages - JS/TS renames now handle destructuring, add missing 'new' Quick Fix.
Debugging - Delete debug consoles, debug directly from the VS Code Process Explorer.
Tasks - Clear task terminal, user input for task variables, rerun last task command.
Extension Authoring - Go to Declaration support, new Signature Help context.



Linux 32位:https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/?dv=linux32
Linux 64位:https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/?dv=linux64

注意:从 1.31 版本开始,官方只带英文语言,请去官方网站下载简体中文语言包安装后重启软件界面才能以简体中文显示
标签: C++ vsc microsoft


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